If you’re reading this, you’ve likely been out on the Park City area trails a dozen or so times over the summer. As such, I’m willing to bet that rarely, if ever, did you see a downed tree, unmarked junction, or unrideable (due to maintenance) stretch of trail. Furthermore, you probably noticed how easy the trails were to access; with minimal driving to the trailhead, and once on the trail, over 300 miles of interconnected singletrack goodness to choose from. Spend a weekend riding Park City, and it’s apparent why it’s an IMBA designated, Gold-level ride area – try to name another destination that has the network and variety from it’s main drag that Park City does.
Here’s the rub; trail fairies don’t exist. But lucky for you, this weekend is Live PC Give PC, which if fairies did exist, would essentially provide the pixie dust that fueled them. For those unfamiliar with Live PC Give PC, it’s a fundraising effort in support of all the area nonprofits, including a few of those who look after our trails such as Mountain Trails and Summit Land Conservancy. This year the goal is to raise $1,234,567 which is a fuck-ton of coin that could potentially be going towards building and maintaining trails.
So I issue you this challenge: Think back to your best day out on the trail. It may have been when you finally had the balls to send that line you’d been eyeing all season, or simply were out on a sunny day with a few of your closest friends or family riding bikes on a beautiful stretch of dirt. Just one, of many memorable times you likely had throughout the summer courtesy of our area trails. Now, assign a dollar amount to that day. Whatever dollar amount you assigned to that experience, whether it’s $10 or $10,000 consider donating to one of the aforementioned organizations this week.
The fact is trails don’t build themselves, and without community support and money they will cease to exist. If you get out even a handful of times throughout the year, you know what an asset trails and open spaces are to the community. Here is your chance to take an active role in ensuring the future of our trails by donating today.
How to Donate:
Click on either of the following links to donate:
All donations made prior to or on November 6, 2015 will count for Live PC Give PC.