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Insurgent Enduro

Insurgent Trail

Looking to Spice Things Up a Notch?

This week’s Ride of the Week is one of our favorites. It’s a taste of everything Park City has to offer including lung-busting climbs, buff flowy trail, as well as some steep technical riding that’s sure to keep you honest. If you’re looking for more of a challenge than the classic Armstrong/Spiro or Jenni’s/CMG, give this a shot.

The ride utilizes the trail system at the resort formerly known as The Canyons. There’s a couple of ways to the top, our favorite being Dubois > Rob’s > Ambush > Mid Mountain. This packs about 2,500 ft of vert in before dropping you back down to Canyons base via Red Coat > Insurgent > Holly’s. The Red Coat/Insurgent stretch is about as steep and techy, save for DV’s DH trails, as it gets in Park City, and features roots, rocks, and a couple of fun features to boost off of. Holly’s has recently been reworked and is now downhill riding only (WAY TO GO CANYONS!) and is the buff, flowy portion of the ride, with some nice berm-age at the bottom.

How to Ride it

If you’re not familiar with the area, you’ll probably want to a trail map for this one. We advise parking in the Canyons lower lot. From the car, spin down 224 to the Blue Roof stoplight and turn left. You’ll start the actual ride on Dubois Trail, where you’ll begin the climb. After Dubois, you’ll pick up Robs to Ambush to Mid Mountain. Once on Mid Mountain, you’ll keep cruising before eventually hitting the service road which will take you to the top of Red Coat trail, which is the start of the descent. From here, it’s all downhill back to the car.

For a truly epic version of this ride, park at the bottom of the UOP trails and skip the Dubois portion. Once you hit the Canyons base area after the descent, climb back up the Holly’s up trail to Rosebuds to Rob’s and back over to UOP.

About the author


Alex is a designer by trade & mid-grade adventurer by night who’s quite partial to knobby tired bikes, clean design, & dirty hands. When not updating this silly website, he's likely off exploring the nearby hills with a few of his favorite partners in crime.

1 Comment

  • Soooo- I’ve been riding lower Collins – Robs – MMT – Ricochet – Lower Holly’s and after catching this blog thought that this might be fun to toss in the mix, especially since I’ve blown past Red Coat so many times. I’m a solid rider on a near-enduro bike and the post-Redcoat section of Insurgent was *way* out of my league. Even with my post slammed all the way down, I walked a bunch- there are some really (really) big chutes in there that are horribly eroded and steep enough that they are even tough to walk. The drop in the cover photo probably hits 18′ vertical at like 70 degrees (perspective is hard to capture).

    Bottom line- when Alex says “The Red Coat/Insurgent stretch is about as steep and techy, save for DV’s DH trails, as it gets in Park City” listen. Don’t end up here casually. Red Coat is nothing- looks like it gets ridden like a dozen times a week and has busted old TTF features from when it *was* Insurgent… Insurgent I won’t be doing again without a DH bike and body armor (and some clue how to ride said DH bike ;-).

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