Beginner Early & Late Season

Glen-Mini (Lower Glenwild)

Glen-mini is a fun pre-season warm-up for the legs and butt that links lower Glenwild, 24/7, & Stealth trails for a quick five mile loop. The front-side Glenwild area trails are some of the first Park City mountain bike trails to dry out for the spring, however, if you encounter mud or wet trail, please walk your bike or turn around. As always, remember to be polite and courteous when passing other trail users, especially early season when everyone is jonesin’ to get out!

Lower Glenwild Suggested Route

Start at the Glenwild/Blackhawk trailhead (Trout Creek) off of Glenwild Drive. Cross the bridge and head right up the lower Glenwild switchbacks. When you make it almost to the apex of the climb take a sharp left towards 24/7 trail to cross Glendwild Drive. After meandering around for a bit you’ll want to drop down the service road after which is a quick and fun rocky section. After the trail flattens out, look for Stealth trail which will be a sharp turn to your left. Make the left on Stealth and complete the loop back down to where you started.

About the author


Alex is a designer by trade & mid-grade adventurer by night who’s quite partial to knobby tired bikes, clean design, & dirty hands. When not updating this silly website, he's likely off exploring the nearby hills with a few of his favorite partners in crime.

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Success! In the meantime, don't forget to keep the rubber side down!