Coyote Canyon Trail Conditions Update
May 19, 2016 Update
Rode the full loop yesterday and the dirt is PRIMO! Also, the trail crews were out clearing downed trees off the trail, so as of today, everything should be dry and obstacle free. More rain in the forecast, so be sure you’ve checked the weather and have appropriate supplies as it would suck to get caught in the middle of a storm on the backside of the loop with no way out.
For more information, check out the Coyote Canyon Trail page.
April 7, 2016
Did a little trail scouting on Coyote Canyon this morning. The good news: the lower Riverview trails are primo right now. However, there is still significant snow as soon as you hit the ridge and drop over towards the north side. Walked it about 100 feet, and there was no end to the snow in sight, so I turned around and headed back down. Granted this was on Chopped Coyote, but I’m assuming the big loop is the same as they are both similar aspects and elevation. As long as the forecast stays springy, I’m guessing the big loop is about a week or so from being ridable.
However, even with the back-side off limits, you can still put together a decent ride starting from any of the three trailheads (HWY 32, UVU, or Coyote Lane). Simply ride as far as you can in one direction, turn around, and then ride as far as you can the other way.
Below: Red indicates wet or snowy trail
Here’s a link to this morning’s Chopped Coyote ride on Strava.
Great website! I’m a PC local and love to ride. I’ve ridden pretty much all of the local trails and I’m interested in riding new trails that are a little farther out from town. Your articles have been great! Keep them coming.